The religious musings of a veil-wearing, loyal to the Magisterium, Roman Catholic woman.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
First Sunday of Advent
Happy Advent! May this be a special time of preparing for the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for you and your loved ones.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Immaculate Conception novena starts 11/29
Novena Prayers for the Immaculate Conception
Find the Original Here:
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Want to pray more?
You'll get email notifications about upcoming novenas, and each day of the novena you'll get the novena prayers for the day sent to your email.
Can't get much easier than that, can it?
By the way--today is the first day of the novena to St. Therese of Lisieux. But don't worry if you haven't already signed up--you will find the novena prayers on the PRAY MORE NOVENAS website!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
last night...
Monday, August 13, 2012
Marian Consecration
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
MIssissippi poised to become abortion-free!
Abortion will still be legal in
Mississippi next month. It’s just that women who live there
probably won’t be able to get one.
Read the story on
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
a DON'T MISS movie

My dear husband and I went to see the new movie 'For Greater Glory' this weekend. What a powerful experience--so often we think of saints and martyrs as people who lived 'back then' and maybe we forget that WE are all called to be saints, and may well be called to be martyrs.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Ash Wednesday
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose?
Tom Woods on why Catholics should support Ron Paul
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Another example of the importance of proper translation
Monday, January 16, 2012
St Paul Novena
St. Paul, pray that America follows in your footsteps. Because our country needs to undergo a great conversion, one as great as the one St. Paul experienced! Novena Prayer O glorious St. Paul, after persecuting the Church you became, by God's grace, Her most zealous Apostle. To carry the knowledge of Jesus, our Divine Savior, to the uttermost parts of the earth. You joyfully endured prison, scourgings, stonings, and a shipwreck, as well as all manner of persecutions, culminating in the shedding of the last drop of your blood for Our Lord Jesus Christ. Obtain for us the grace to labor strenuously to bring the Faith to others and to accept any trials and tribulations that may come our way. Help us to be inspired by your Epistles and to partake of your indomitable love for Jesus, so that after we have finished our course we may join you in praising Him in heaven for all eternity. Amen. Will you join me? |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Epiphany Proclamation
In long ago times, before calendars were common everyday items, it was difficult for the people to know when the moveable feasts of the Church would fall. So on Epiphany a proclamation would be read from the pulpit to let the congregation know the dates of those feasts for the upcoming year.
Did your parish proclaim the feasts of the Church yesterday? I attended Mass at a nearby parish and the young priest did. Here's the text in case your parish didn't have the proclamation yesterday:
Dear brothers and sisters,
the glory of the Lord has shone upon us,
and shall ever be manifest among us,
until the day of his return.
Through the rhythms of times and seasons
let us celebrate the mysteries of salvation.
Let us recall the year's culmination,
the Easter Triduum of the Lord:
his last supper, his crucifixion, his burial,
and his rising celebrated
between the evening of the Fifth day of April
and the evening of the Seventh day of April,
Easter Sunday being on the Eighth day of April.
Each Easter -- as on each Sunday --
the Holy Church makes present the great and saving deed
by which Christ has for ever conquered sin and death.
From Easter are reckoned all the days we keep holy.
Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent,
will occur on the Twenty-Second day of February.
The Ascension of the Lord will be commemorated on the Seventeenth day of May.
Pentecost, joyful conclusion of the season of Easter,
will be celebrated on the Twenty-Seventh day of May.
And, this year the First Sunday of Advent will be
on the Second day of December.
Likewise the pilgrim Church proclaims the passover of Christ
in the feasts of the holy Mother of God,
in the feasts of the Apostles and Saints,
and in the commemoration of the faithful departed.
To Jesus Christ, who was, who is, and who is to come,
Lord of time and history,
be endless praise, for ever and ever.
And here's a video of a priest chanting the proclamation, just as the priest at St. George did last night: