One of the great Christmas traditions at our house was the setting up of "Momma's special Nativity" which usually took place sometime the week of Christmas.
Daddy had given her the pieces to the set over several different Christmases. It's German, hand-carved, and she was attracted to it because it had some 'extra' people around--after all, as she would say, if the heavenly host started singing in the night wouldn't everyone have run out of their house to see what was going on?
Every year we would decide where to display the Nativity, then we would construct the scene--which got more and more elaborate as we got older. It was quite a feat, especially when you realize that none of us had any artistic talent, or construction skills. But it always looked good. And the tradition continued with my youngest nephew and my niece who (as children) helped put the set out for the last few years of my parents' lives.
I inherited the set from my parents. It's one of my most cherished treasures, and it always has pride-0f-place among my Christmas decorations.
And the cat--well, it's a piece that I've added. After all, who ever heard of a barn without a cat?
I hope you all have a very blessed and merry Christmas.
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