Sunday, August 18, 2013

Novena to St. Monica starts today!

If you are like me, then there's someone you care about who has left the Catholic church--and you really, really, really want them to come home!    Or there's someone you love who hasn't converted yet.  Who can understand your pain and longing better than St. Monica, who spent 18 years praying for the conversion of her son!  It took quite a while, but look at how she was rewarded for her faithfulness!

Today is the first day of the Novena to St. Monica, and thanks to the lovely young couple at PRAY MORE NOVENAS we have the novena prayers.  If you haven't visited PRAY MORE NOVENAS and signed up to be notified of the monthly novena, please hurry over there and get signed up!

Here are the prayers for today:

Dear Saint Monica, you were once the mournful mother of a prodigal son. Your faithfulness to prayer brought you and your son so close to God that you are now with him in eternity. By your intercession and God’s grace, your son St. Augustine became a great and venerable Saint of the Church. Please take my request to God with the same fervor and persistence with which you prayed for your own son.
(Mention your intentions here)
With your needs, worries and anxieties, you threw yourself on the mercy and providence of God. Through sorrow and pain, you constantly devoted yourself to God. Pray for me that I might join you in such a deep faith in God’s goodness and mercy.
Above all, dear Saint Monica, pray for me that I may, like your son, turn from my sin and become a great saint for the glory of God.

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